Use Case
- Create a journey that sends marketing emails to a consenting base of segment audience members.
- The journey should send emails to segment audience members as they meet defined criteria e.g., ‘marketing consent = yes’.
- The invoking segment must ensure that only members that have given their ‘marketing consent = yes’ are sent marketing emails from the journey.
- Should a segment audience member remove their consent, ‘marketing consent = No’ they should cease receiving emails and exit the journey as soon as possible.
- Should an audience member who has been exited from the journey, due to them removing their consent, ‘marketing consent = No’, and then later gives their consent again ‘marketing consent = yes’, they should be entered back into the same journey again via the invoking segment as soon as possible, as the audience member again meets the appropriate entry criteria.
Though investigations and consultation with Microsoft support/ Microsoft Product team feedback, points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are fully supported within Customer Insights – Journeys. Point 5 however, is not supported and is currently not possible to achieve.
This is because once a segment audience member has entered a journey from the invoking entry segment, the corresponding ‘Lead’ or ‘Contact’ record is registered as ‘in-flow’ and, by design, cannot then re-enter the same journey again.
Microsoft Recommended Solution
Microsoft have recommended that Convatec should copy the journey and segment, with the segment criteria being set to a later date, allowing exited audience members to enter a new copy of the same journey and continue to receive emails.
Business Impact of Recommended Solution
Convatec customers will engage with Convatec via many channels and touch points, each of which will provide an opportunity for a segment audience member to change their ‘marketing consent’. To ensure that Convatec can continue to support customers who may change their consent, Convatec will have to estimate the average number of consent changes and duplicate the segment and journey that number of times e.g., 5 times for a journey lasting for a period of one year. This is time consuming for the user and will lead to a significant number of segments and journeys being duplicated which is inefficient and will likely bringing user adoption challenges with Customer Insights – Journeys.
Idea for consideration
Change the behavior of segment audience members so that when entering a journey and being registered as ‘In-flow’, they can both exit and re-enter the same journey, as appropriate, depending upon their matching criteria. This way, users of Customer Insights – Journeys will only have to create a single segment and corresponding journey, which is efficient and meets the expectations of the user base.
Hi there, thank you for your feedback, It's much appreciated. I think that this may satisfy the requirement. A further example of the use case is below. Please let me know your thoughts, thank you. Also, can you please advise of the expected date that this new feature will go live? Many thanks!Example of a Journey (1 Year duration) 'Journey A' has an invoking segment including the field and value 'marketing consent = yes'John Appleseed has a this field set to 'yes' (Contact or Lead record) and therefore enters 'Journey A' 90 days later, John Appleseed changes his marketing preference to 'no' (Contact or Lead record) via a website which updates his marketing preference on his record via power automate.The change is registered by and exclusion segment or trigger, which includes 'marketing consent = no', within 'Journey A'John Appleseed is removed from 'Journey A'10 days later, John Appleseed changes his marketing preference to 'yes' (Contact or Lead record) via a conversation with a Sales rep who updates his marketing preference on his record to 'yes'John Appleseed is entered into 'Journey A' once again.If the 'Email Duplication' feature switch toggle is set to 'on' and if John Appleseed has not changed his email address, he should not receive duplicates of email he has previously received from 'Journey A'
Category: Customer Journey Design
Administrator on 1/13/2025 6:56:45 PM
We are releasing the ability to allow members of a dynamic segment to repeat a one time journey mid-Feb. With this feature, a customer can re-enter a segment if their condition changes, such as their consent. Does this satisfy the requirement? Allow individuals to reenter a one-time, dynamic segment journey | Microsoft Learn