During a sale picking with mobile device, it must be possible to pick all quantity related to a parent license plate.
Under Review



It would also be nice if you can transfer the whole parent LP using the create transfer order from license plate menu item in the WMS app.

Category: Warehouse Management


This is a much needed feature. After the parent LPs are created, and if we are not able to pick it for sales order or transfer order, it is a double work we need to perform. I believe this should be in the following way. LP Qty Parent LP LP001 10 LPP001 LP002 10 LPP001 LP003 10 LPP001 LP004 10 LPP001 LP005 10 LPP001 LP006 10 LPP002 LP007 10 LPP002 LP008 10 LPP002 LP009 10 LPP002 LP010 10 LPP002 Sales order Picking Qty 70Warehouse picker should be able pick LPP001 which is a parent license plate which will has a total of 50 Qty (combining all the 5 child license plates)And the remaining will be picked from LP006,LP007Same in the case of transfer order picking as well.

Category: Warehouse Management


This is exactly what we need. We RAF in seperate license plates. For example several small boxes.. After or during packing we want to combine these boxes on a pallet(Parent licenseplate) this parent should be picked in the Sales picking proces. Because the several small packages can contain multiple batches the chil licenseplate have to be contained trough the process. but we want to pick and move only with the parent licenseplate. we also use the license-plate batch reservation on sales orders. So the proces has to work with that as well. Containerization option is not fully working because we can only combine them if we have already made shipment. but we want to combine them before the shipment is made.

Category: Warehouse Management


The mobile item menu should allowCreate transfer order to use a nested license plate to create a transfer orderPick the whole license plate against the transfer order. Print parent license plate label. Similar to container label. This could be an alternative to container packing process. The containerisation process works ok if a transfer order is already existing. But in some situation, the containerisation happens before the transfer order lines are known. So we should be able to use the nested license plate process to print container label.

Category: Warehouse Management


Have run across multiple customers with the need to use full LP picking for Transfers. Have also had several customers with the requirement for nested LPs. Hoping both are addressed as part of this Idea..

Category: Warehouse Management


Agree with all previous comments, especially the functionality being available in all kinds of picking scenarios.Experiencing a challenge in a scenario where containers are filled during production RAF to individual license plates, then parent license plate building would be completed, then transfer order is needed from one warehouse to another. Being unable to pick to the transfer and then receive the transfer from the parent license plate is creating a large volume of non value added scans in the process.

Category: Warehouse Management


Pick whole quantity of parent licence plate have to be possible in all related proceses like salespick, transfer issue, raw mat pick etc..

Category: Warehouse Management


Very important and critical feature!  My customer uses a third-party WMS, it isn’t possible to switch to D365. There is an important work scenario, which so far, we haven't been able to integrate to D365. In this WMS the smallest tracking UoM is a box,(in our understanding License Pallet) with a unique serial number (for each box) and each box has a fixed quantity in pieces. The next UoM is pallet - number of boxes are stacked on pallets - also with a unique pallet serial number. The production process is built in such a way - at the end of each line there is a packing station, after RAF FG comes to the packing st.. Here, serial numbers for boxes (& for pallets) are pre-generated and printed on special labels and glued onto the boxes. And already in the labeled empty boxes, each piece is scanned piece by piece, on which there is a basic barcode of the product and the barcode of the box is scanned - they determine in which box the scanned-read product is added and as the box is replenished (there is a box/pcs capacity/unit conversions exmp: 1box = 24 pcs, ) the box is closed and the next empty new box is scanned and goods are scanned and placed on it, and so on until the last multiple of a piece, the goods replenish the boxes. Next, brings pallets - also with pre-generated pallet serial numbers and glued labels, at first scans the pallet LP, then scans each box and puts on pallet until this pallet is full(exmp:palet box capacity-1 PL= 64box). This completes the containerisation and packaging process then all pallets are transferred to the FG WH.  In this WMS, all products are further tracked at the unique pallet level and below at the box level. Any movement or on-hand can be tracked/detailed - which box/which production order/which resource/shift and sold to which customer. We need a full-fledged nested LP with a RAF/Internal containerization process, with boxes and pallets and the ability to transact products with nested LP.  

Category: Warehouse Management


Very much needed feature. Not all companies require or can utilize the container process, can afford to scan 50 LP's at time of sales pick or logistics dictate they pre-stack pallets with boxes for large future orders where a single scan can facilitate sales pick at time of order fulfillment. Too much good utility baked into this potential feature.

Category: Warehouse Management


This is required as the movement per parent license plate saves time and money

Category: Warehouse Management

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