Customers can change in Dynamics CRM the Options Values of exiting fields e.g., "accountcategorycode" of table "account". It would be nice if the AL Table Proxy Generator would recognize these changes.

In the proxy table "CRM Account" this field already exists as "AccountCategoryCode":
table 5341 "CRM Account"
field(2; AccountCategoryCode; Option)
Caption = 'Category';
Description = 'Select a category to indicate whether the customer account is standard or preferred.';
ExternalName = 'accountcategorycode';
ExternalType = 'Picklist';
InitValue = " ";
OptionCaption = ' ,Preferred Customer,Standard';
OptionOrdinalValues = -1, 1, 2;
OptionMembers = " ",PreferredCustomer,Standard;
It would be nice if AL Table Proxy Generator would create modify of this field as well as modifying of InitValue, OptionMembers und OptionOrdinalValues for TableType = CRM would be enabled.

tableextension 50110 "CRM Account Extension" extends "CRM Account"
InitValue = C;
OptionCaption = 'A,B,C';
OptionMembers = A,B,C;
OptionOrdinalValues = 1, 2, 271810000;
Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team