The plans about OneVersion for Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications are already announced. While OneVersion is enabling Customers, Microsoft and Partners to respond the ever-changing market and business demands in an agile way using all the hidden possibilities of a modern managed software ecosystem; It is important to ensure the smooth transitions between the frequent periodic and regular (monthly) updates. Therefor the need to have a “hit-map” to show which areas of the application/functionality is affected by each update wave is a big accelerator in this direction. Having the fact that nowadays we have the application usage intelligence based on the collected telemetry data as well as the fact that business processes can be modelled in the Life Cycle services, it should be possible to create such a hit-map, which is even interactive and is tailored to the specifications and usage of a customer environment. This will be a guide for Customers and Partners to know where to start when a periodic update needs to be validated by them before giving the approval for deployment to the Production.

2019 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the feedback. The impact analysis tool is in preview next week and will be available to all customers soon.



It seems also that Microsoft is working on such a functionality
Watch following video (from 33:57) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2k5xilW5wY

Category: Lifecycle Services


sorry for the typo..it should be "heat-map" and not "hit-map" ;-)

Category: Lifecycle Services