in D365 Marketing we can use 2 ways of Opt-In - Global Opt-In and Form Opt-In.
But both have advantages and disadvantes and both ways are not 100% usable for a lot of customers.
Global Opt-In Disadvantages:
- Contact / Lead gets directly created, after a Submit is processed
- For every Subscription List 1 Email is sent out
For example we use the Global DOI and a new Submit comes in, the first disadvantage here is, that the Contact gets directly created, regardless if a Confirmation was clicked or not.
And for example when we have 2 Checkboxes on the Form, one for the GDPR Confirmation and one for Newsletter, 2 Emails are sent out, which is also irritating for the Customer
Form DOI Disadvantages:
- For EVERY Submit, a Confirmation is sent out, regardless if the Contact is already known or not
The Form DOI works in a better way as the Global DOI, because here no Contact is created in the System, till to the moment, the Submit is confirmed. And also when i checked 2 Boxes (Subscription Lists), only ONE Email is sent out and the Click will bring the Contact to both Marketing Lists.
But - what i dont understand and whats a big, big issue in my opinion -> it doenst matter, if the Contact is already in the System or not - for EVERY Submit, a DOI Mail gets out. And this something, which is really, really bad.
For a new one - everything is fine and this way would be the better option as the Global. But if it should work in the correct way, for every Submit on the Form, the System should check, if the Email / Contact is already known, and when yes, nothing should sent out again (only when he checked a new Checkbox for a new Subscription List of course).
So at the moment both ways are not 100% usable for a proper DOI Process and thats really sad. Hopefully you can improve this process in the future and i would prefer the Form DOI, because its working for the moment in a better way with the disadvantages that the System is not checking, if the Contact is exisiting or not.
Best Regards,
Andre Maiwald
D365 Consultant
The Form level double opt-in is, in my eyes, more or less a better spam protection.Sometimes I also use it to instantly deliver a Thank-You email to the submitter instead of creating an extra Journey.The major issue is, that the link click is not stored GDPR compliant on the Contact or Lead record so we can't document it correctly. And the link is only valid for something like 30 days.
Category: Consent and Compliance
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