Customer would like to give discount to Product regardless of Variants (eg different sizes of T-shirt). They would like to assign price and discount for cumulated Qty regardless of variant.

There was suggested to use Retail Quantity discount promotion instead of Line discount from Trade Agreement. But Quantity discount is not flexible for users. If there is requirement to modify slightly Unit price or Discount % for one product then new Promotion should be created.

Retail Quantity discount promotion has some disadvantages like it is not possible to define promotion conditions in promotion lines. This feature exist in Line discount defined in Trade agreement but such Line discount is not cumulative.

It was described in 2 RFH:
VSTS#216061 - Wrong Line discount from Trade agreement when Sales order generated from Call center and more then one line with the same product
VSTS#247182 - Inconsistent behavior - Wrong Line discount from Trade agreement when Sales order generated from Call center and more then one line with the same product
It is required either to improve functionality in Line discount defined in Trade agreement or in Retail Quantity discount promotion.

*** Steps to reproduce
1. Register Quantity discount
2. If it is required to modify condition for one line/ Product then new Quantity discount promotion should be generated.
3. There should be modified Quantity discount promotion to define conditions like Price or Discount % in lines or new type of Retail promotion should be generated to have similar functionality like it is possible in Trade agreement to define From Qty/ To qty and Price/ Discount % in lines.

*** Actual result:
If it is required to modify condition for one line/ Product then new Quantity discount promotion should be generated.

*** Expected result:
There should be modified Quantity discount promotion to define conditions like Price or Discount % in lines or new type of Retail promotion should be generated to have similar functionality like it is possible in Trade agreement to define From Qty/ To qty and Price/ Discount % in lines.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the feedback. We will continue to monitor the votes to determine its consideration into our feature backlog. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce