We hedge foreign currency transactions (i.e. buy currency in advance so the exchange rate is fixed at a particular value for a particulr contract and/or customer, etc) so need to be able to specify the exchange rate on all invoice and payment transactions. In particular, the OData entity has a Exchange Rate field, but it is not possible to use it except in legal entities in a limited set of countries; even in the those countries, the functionality is limited. Also, there does not seem to be a way to override the Exchange Rate from the UI. Please extend the exchange rate handling to allow it to be specified for all invoices and journals independently of the current default rate.
Category: Data Management
Needs Votes



In sales order there is a field for Fixed exchange rate. This field can be updated by the user, but is also used when we make a credit note from an Invoice in foreign currency, the system brings to that field the exchange rate of the Invoice.

Someone tough that would make sense to match the credit note with the invoice. It makes real sense and I agree with it.

On Free text invoice, we don't have any feature to mark the invoice for credit, and we also don't have any manual way to make sure the credit match the invoice because the Fixed exchange rate field doesn't exist!!

It seems that it existed in the past and someone decided to restrict its use to some European eastern countries (In AX2012): https://fix.lcs.dynamics.com/Issue/Details?kb=2904839&bugId=843759&dbType=0&qc=040618b7f1035913082dcd12302221a3b62ff02b837a667bc7c8e5fe1cb75edf

Other users have presented different reasons to have this field on free text invoices (there are other ideas concerning this subject) and they are all relevant, but be able to mach the credit note with the invoice in foreign currency seems quite evident how important is to have this field available on free text invoices.

Category: Data Management


Dear MS Product team

Could you please consider and develop a free text invoice that allows an updated exchange rate with the reason below?

 1. The exchange rate of every day will be fixed by The Bank of Thailand. If I correct the rate at the date I need it will affect the other documents

2.  We cannot change the date backward to the day I want because I issue credit on Dec’2021 reference from invoice of Sep’21. The period of Jan-Sep’21 is already closed by Auditor, I cannot issue a credit note on Sep’21.

  Please consider my request, it’s a big problem and effect to Thai Accounting Standard. I booked all transactions in THB so the exchange rate is an important matter.

Best regards,


Category: Data Management