This is similar to the issue mentioned here - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2537489/in-dynamics-ax-transaction-time-is-one-hour-ahead-when-not-using-using This is per the suport tech recommendation that I enter this as a suggestion - [REG:118110819322580] Batch job next run time now shows 1 hour early Recently on a D365 F&O environment, I noticed one of the recurring batch jobs started running an hour earlier. So the gist is the customer had a job that ran at 7pm every day. Then since the time change to Std central time (on Nov 4th at 2am – we roll the clock back 1 hr), the job started running at 6pm. Expectation: As a user, if I have a job running at 7pm central time, I would expect it to run at 7pm both during CDT and CST In AX 2012, I believe the solution was to mark the option "Adjust of daylight savings time Automatically" on your servers. With D365 F&O this option is not available when requesting for an environment to be deployed. You can access the non-prod servers and mark this option but not PROD. The workaround is to select a Central time zone that does not practice daylight savings time.So, part of the year, your time in D365 will be 1 hr off compared to your loca time (if you are in a zone that practices daylight savings time). If you are a shipping and distribution company...the time difference may be an issue. This setting should be an option. Thanks!

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for reaching out.

Your suggestion seems to be a product bug.

We will review and consider for future release.


