With AL Language v13.0.964488 the decision was made to change the existing behaviour of the Find Event functionality to insert the procedure as "Object Name_EventName" with the quotes and spaces. The previous behaviour was to insert them with just the event name. The new behaviour introduces spaces and quotes into a procedure name, which while allowed in the AL language, is generally not considered best practise.

What I propose here is that a simple configuration option is added so that teams can decide what their standard of naming should be. A very simple text field with which you can set the naming, like so:

"al.FindEventName": "al.FindEventName": "\"<ObjectName>_<EventName>\""

The above would represent the current naming everyone was switched to, so it could be added to everyone's config as the default.

This could then allow additional options such as <ObjectNamePascal>, <ObjectType>, <ObjectTypeShort>.

So some possible configuration that could be made:

Handle<EventName> -> HandleOnBeforeRun

"Handle <EventName>" -> "Handle OnBeforeRun"

<ObjectNamePascal>_<EventName> -> WhsePostShipment_OnBeforeRun

<ObjectTypeShort><ObjectNamePascal><EventName>-> TabSalesHeaderOnBeforeModify

And so on. This would allow teams to easily implement existing conventions while still using a great functionality.

Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



I would love to see this, but please provide an placeholder for the event name and the object name with cleaned names.What I mean that every character that requires "" is removed.e g. SalesPost for the Sales Post Codeunit.And the same pattern for Events

Category: Development