If an error occurs in release to warehouse for raw material picking, the message "Could not release the order to warehouse because some materials could not be reserved." (class ProdWHSRelease.whsReleaseSingleOrder)
However, the production order status is now Released.
The production order setting "Release to warehouse" (ProdTable.ProdWHSReleasePolicy): Allow partial reservation or Require full reservation has no influence on this.

Proposed solution: add a third option to ProdWHSReleasePolicy:
"Block release until work created"
i.e. release production order (or batch order) only when all raw material pick work is created.

Note that the production wave is not always processed immediately.

Alternative: add a checkmark on the production order "All raw material pick work created".
Under Review



Seems like Microsoft has foreseen this functionality now in the service update 10.0.38.For more information: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/prevent-production-orders-released-when-full-material-shoman--hx7xf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=guest_desktop&utm_campaign=copy

Category: Warehouse Management


I published the solution here: Production order should not get Released on material shortage

Category: Warehouse Management


Since the Release status of the Work Order is a status meaning that we should be able to start the order. This is a bit of a critical and time consuming thing to handle. We need to set back status each time the is a material situation that can not be resolved.

Category: Warehouse Management


This seems more like a bug than an idea.

Category: Warehouse Management



Category: Warehouse Management


Totally agree

Category: Warehouse Management


The issue arises when wave processing as a batch job is enabled. In this case we don't even see the error message and the only way to know if work has not been created for one of the items is to review the work creation log messages, which means diving into the warehousing module, which the production planner doesn't have access to from the Production control workspace.
Maybe the same status as per the sales order would help? Warehouse release status = Open, Partially released, Released.

Category: Warehouse Management