According to our legislation we can correct just specific part (Deklaracja or Ewidencja), not the whole file with both sections.
Currently we need to generate file with both parts which is not what is expected by the authorities.

Info can be found on any accounting page: https://www.360ksiegowosc.pl/w-jaki-sposob-korygowac-nowy-plik-jpk_v7/

#vdek, #v7m, #saf-t, #jpk
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Possibility to report <Ewidencja> part of JPK-V7M report only by using new Sklad pliku additional field was introduced in scope of #3984751. For more details, see  Details for released feature 3984751 (dynamics.com)

In the Sklad pliku additional field, specify which content of JPK-V7M must be included in the report.
Two values are allowed:

  • Pelny plik XML for the full XML file
  • Tylko Ewidencja for the Ewidencja node only

The Sklad pliku additional field was introduced in the PL JPK-V7M EM setup v.6 KB5007691.zip package (version 6 or later of the package of data entities that includes a predefined electronic message setup). In the PL JPK-V7M EM setup v.6 KB5007691 package, the Sklad pliku additional field will get a value of Pelny plik XML by default. Therefore, when you create a new electronic message, the Sklad pliku additional field will be set to Pelny plik XML. If you want to change the default value of this field, go to Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Electronic message processing, select JPK-V7M on the left side of the page, and then, on the Message additional fields FastTab, find the Sklad pliku additional field, and select a value in the list.

Feature documentation: VAT declaration with registers (JPK-V7M, VDEK) - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs


Elizaveta Golub

PM, Microsoft