Unable to apply filter by vendor account in Vendor payment journal report

Repro steps:

Accounts payable >> Payments >> Vendor Payment Journal click on new and enter the following:
Journal Batch Number – will default
Name – VendPay
Description – will default
Click on Lines button
Enter two vendor lines like below

Post the journal

2.Print Vendor payment journal report from the journal posted above

Try to take filter for Account.vendor which is the filed to do filteration of Vendor records

Actual Report: Account. Vendor is not available to filter Vendor records

Expected Result – the Report should have a option to filter out Specific vendor records like ‘1001’ and report output to be generated with specific filtered records only



This requirement is somewhat confusing!
You want to get the records after filtering with Vendor account. The path provided: Accounts Payable >> Payments >> Vendor Payment Journals is just to open the form for making payments.

In case you want to filter the posted journals that are having the particular vendor, you can use the Advanced Filter Option on the form and add join with table VendTrans , thereafter you can filter with particular vendor.

For unposted journals, the record is not saved in the vendor trans, so a report in the General Ledger Module with name "General Journals that have not been posted" can fulfil your purpose; in that report all the unposted ledger journals can be checked.


if you are asking about some report, please provide the correct path if i have mistakenly understood the requirement.

Category: Cash and bank management