Cash On Delivery : COD means that the shopper can shop through any online D365 Commerce and choose the product they want and then make the order and choose the payment method upon receipt, which means that the payment process is delayed until the customer receives the product he has ordered electronically.

1.COD Delivery Payment can be made by Cash while Delivering the Product

2.COD Payment can be made by Card (Credi card /Debit card )

3.COD Payment Can be Made by Any Digital Wallet (Apple Pay/Google Pay/Paypal/Amazon Pay /STCPay) any digital wallet

This feature is important for Any Commerce online and Delivery
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All the current ecommerce providers support Cash on Delivery. It should be there by default. The first thing customer implement Ecommerce are asking for Cash on delivery. it is required on an urgent / emergency basis.

Category: Payment processing


There needs to be a way to take an eCommerce order without requiring payment, where it comes into D365 F&SC and places the order on hold. This would be an easy approach to accomplish this.

Category: Payment processing


In the middle east COD is one of the most used payment methods.

Category: Payment processing


This is the most important and basic need for Commerce anywhere in the world

Category: Payment processing