The Data Cues on the Role Center do not reflect Responsibility Center restrictions.

Our organisation uses responsibility centers to filter the view and access of our users. The responsibility centers represent the departments through out our organisation. For example, FIN (Finance), ADMIN (Administration), FR (Fundraising) etc... If your responsibility center is set to FIN then you will only be able to see Purchase Orders relating to finance.

The Purchase Order Data Cue on your Role Center might show say 100 purchase orders, but that's for the entire organisation. If you click on the Date Cue, it will bring up a list of only 10 purchase orders, because these are now filtered by the users role center. The Data Cue on the Role Center should also take into account filters like the Responsibility Centre.

We've had our service partner build a custom Role Center extension for most of our users. This reflects the responsibility center. They've said it is to do with table 1313 Cue Activities which generates the sum and look up lists. The extension they put together includes the code below, whereas the standard role centers do not:

Count ("Purchase Header" WHERE ("Document Type" = FILTER (Order),
Status = FILTER (Open),
"Responsibility Center" = FIELD ("Responsibility Center Filter")));

Is this something that could be added to the road map for future releases?

I've got screenshots to explain this too if more detail is required.
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team