Create one PO from a Consolidation Opportunity when the Requested dates are updated on the lines using the Bulk Edit function.
The consolidation opportunity is often used to group purchase requisition lines for similar products to streamline the procurement process with a vendor. However, current functionality does not support this when multiple lines with different requested dates and accounting dates have been added to the opportunity.
The process is as follows:
- Set the Use requested date as accounting date parameter in the Purchase requisition control rule policy is set to "Yes".
- Create and approve requisition lines with different requested dates (accounting dates will match the requested dates based on the parameter in step 1).
- Create a consolidation opportunity and add the lines created in step 2 to the opportunity.
- Update the requested date and vendor on the opportunity lines using the Bulk edit function. The accounting date will automatically update to match.
- Close the consolidation opportunity.
- Multi-select the consolidation opportunity lines and click the Create purchase order button.
Current functionality will result in multiple purchase orders being created (corresponding with the lines that originally had different dates).
This is not intuitive or productive. Now, the procurement department needs to either:
- Manage several purchase orders for the same vendor instead of having all the consolidation opportunity lines appear on one purchase order; or
- Manually delete the "extra" purchase orders and add the lines to one of the POs that was generated. This will result in the reference being lost between the requisition and the purchase order.
This is exactly what my current customer is requesting as well. Hop to see this feature soon.
Category: Procurement and Sourcing
First of all I was not aware how to vote on the link provided and accidentally hit the down arrow not knowing what that did and found that it voted against it. Just be aware that the one vote against it should be "for" it and I do not have the ability to remove my vote. I apologize for skewing the results.I too feel this is an issue and have a client struggling with it currently. It is very frustrating scenario and causes a lot of extra unnecessary work and workflow approvals to manually adjust the PO's the system has split.
Category: Procurement and Sourcing
Administrator on 4/22/2022 3:13:44 PM
Thank you very much for your input. We are pleased to inform you that this capability is available in version 10.0.25.
Follow the steps:
1. Activate the feature: "Consolidate multiple purchase requisitions into a single purchase order by accounting date"
2. Activate the parameter that controls the consolidation behaviour: Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Policies > Purchasing policies > Purchase order creation and demand consolidation rule > Purchase order split tab > "Consolidate by accounting date" parameter