The Vendors V3 entity has two main issues affecting performance:

1 - It is very slow, likely due to the number of data sources.

2 - It does not allow parallel processing due to the need to support a self-relation.

These issues together conspire to make data migration and integrations with vendors challenging. For data migration, the only option is to manually split the import file to achieve some level of manual parallel processing.

The Customers V3 (CustCustomerV3Entity) entity suffers from all the above issues and it has been addressed by creating two separate entities with the following design.

Customer definitions (CustCustomerBaseEntity) entity - Contains only the most common fields and significantly less data sources and performs an order of magnitude better than Customers V3. It also removes support for the self-relation so it allows parallel processing which is another option to increase performance.

Customer details V2 (CustCustomerDetailV2Entity) entity - Contains the self-relation and other less common or low performing fields, such as the default dimension, and also supports parallel processing.




Import customers docs explains the pattern: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/guidance/resources/import-customers?toc=%2Fdynamics365%2Ffin-ops-core%2Fdev-itpro%2Ftoc.json

Category: Vendor Experiences