Issue: While working in Dynamics 365 organization by shrinking the size of the browser and having zoom settings at 100%, any pop-up (like personal option, system settings) are not scaling to correct size and scroll bar is also missing.

Reason: This is because if you opened the source of the IFrame containing the Set Personal Options for example (you can find it here https://yourorgname.crm4.dynamics.com/tools/personalsettings/dialogs/personalsettings.aspx?dType=1), you will find that the body CSS is set to have overflow = “hidden” and scroll="no". 

Expected results: However the pop-up should resize accordingly when the browser window size is reduced, so that the would get all the buttons (e.g. OK, Cancel) and scroll the page.CSS should be set to have overflow = “visible” and scroll="yes". 

