If we turn on Multi Bin in our test system and we run the Inventory Reconciliation, it does not reconcile the Multi Bin On- Hand quantity and Mult Bin Allocation quantity fields. Therefore we are not able to turn on and utiliize Multi Bin in our live system. In order to turn on Multi Bin you are required to run the inventory reconciliation. Since the reconciliation does not reconcile the Intransit Transfers area we cannot go live with Mult Bin which we desperately need.

For this to be resolved:The Inventory Reconcile code would just need the code added that would handle the Intransit Transfer side.

We tested on GP2010 Version where it is not working. We are in the process of upgrading to GP2018 and plan to be on the GP2018 version in a month or so. Our partner said on GP2018 it is not functional yet for the Intransit Transfer side but we really need Inventory Reconcilation to handle Intransit Transfers so we can enable Mult Bin in GP2018 as soon as possible.

If the Professional Tools Inventory Reconciliation product could be modified to handle all facets concerning Multi Bin that would even be better since the professional Tool runs very quickly.

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