Microsoft has introduced a new feature called "Configure POS Self-Checkout Register" in version 10.0.40.

By enabling this feature, retailers can now utilize Microsoft’s built-in self-checkout functionality on Kiosk POS systems. This has been a highly anticipated update, as many users have been waiting for this capability.

However, an existing feature in POS, which allows users to click on the "Amount Due" link from the "Total" panel to display all available payment tenders, has presented an issue for the Self-Checkout setup. While this behavior is intended for normal POS counters, it poses a problem for Self-Checkout kiosks, which should only support "Card" and "Loyalty" payments, but not "Cash" payments.

Currently, there is no way to restrict certain payment tenders specifically for Self-Checkout kiosks, especially in stores that have both regular POS counters and Self-Checkout kiosks. As a result, customers can still make cash payments at the Self-Checkout, which is not ideal and creates a loophole in the system.
