Before update to 10.0.14 Privilege Maintain contact person entity was sufficient to update smmContactPersonV2Entity. However after the update to 10.0.14 customer is receiving error "Error: User 'xxxxx' is not authorized to delete a record in table 'HCMPERSONPRIVATECITIZENSHIPDETAILS'. Request denied.; Error: Cannot edit a record in Private citizenship details (HcmPersonPrivateCitizenshipDetails).\nAccess Denied: You do not have sufficient authorization to modify data in the database.."

Privilege Maintain contact person entity should be sufficient to update smmContactPersonV2Entity however now after updating to 10.0.14 we need to add privilege Maintain contact private details to our custom role as workaround for this.

It would be better if the update contact be possible with Privilege Maintain contact person and not adding Maintain contact private details as it used to be in 10.0.13 and earlier versions
Category: Data Management