In warehouse implementations there are from time to time information that is required at the time of picking which is not available in the associated warehouse app screen.

How-ever thanks to the combined use of detours and data inquiry many of these GAP:s can now be fulfilled in the standard product.


  • Being able to pass the "Load Id" to the "Receiving completed confirmation" MDMI.
  • Look up incoming loads and pick which load to receive in "Load item receiving" MDMI

How-ever in the outbound scenario, load, shipment id or work id is not possible to pass from e.g. "User directed" MDMI to a detour.

By enabling the possibility to pass the related shipment, load or work id to a data inquiry detour, many cases were users today use a physical printed picking list or going in to the FnO client to obtain information can be solved.

Examples could be to look up the assigned shipping carrier, having the possibility to validate what has been picked already on the current work id and many more possible use cases.

So a possible small change, could unleash a lot of ways to in the standard product solve customer specific requirements for data inquiries at the point of picking.

Requirements that today either are solved by customization, physically printed pick lists or heading over to the FnO client for lookups.

Needs Votes



Would be great to have this in standard functionality!

Category: Warehouse Management