Please provide "query templates" for creating dynamic segments. Useful "query templates" could be - "I want to find contacts who have registered to an event" - "I want to find contacts who attended an event" - "I want to find contacts who have submitted a form" - "I want to find contacts with open leads" - "I want to find contacts with open opportunities" - "I want to find contacts based on contact details" - "I want to find contacts based on account details" - "I want to find contacts who are marketing list members" - "I want to find contacts who have completed a survey" For example selecting "I want to find contacts who have submitted a form" would add all necessary rows to the designer and the user would just select the right form / type the form name and publish the query.

Category: Segmentation
2023 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Needs community support for consideration.



Great idea indeed. Most marketers who are ultimately the personas responsible of creating segments, do not understand how to efficiently create segments. Even advanced find is much simpler. 

Category: Segmentation


This is a very good idea. The amount of learning and trial-and-error experiments would decrease drastically. In the end many users want the same kind of querys.

Category: Segmentation


Ideally a user could select a query template for each segment group.

Category: Segmentation