The profile date of a registration is leading in determining the shift to which a report feedback action belongs.
This is often used in production performance reporting (on operator level).
There are two types of job card journals being possibly posted at a report feedback action being a job card journal with hours and one with quantities. Both are important for the production performance reporting. However, the TransDate being used in both journals is not the same. The job card journal with hours contains the profile date (which is good for shift based reporting). The job card journal with quantities mentions the material date however (this is usually the system date).
One is currently not able to allocate job card journals with quantities to the right shift as the profile date is not available. Please consider storing the profile date in the job card journals with quantities as well.
This is often used in production performance reporting (on operator level).
There are two types of job card journals being possibly posted at a report feedback action being a job card journal with hours and one with quantities. Both are important for the production performance reporting. However, the TransDate being used in both journals is not the same. The job card journal with hours contains the profile date (which is good for shift based reporting). The job card journal with quantities mentions the material date however (this is usually the system date).
One is currently not able to allocate job card journals with quantities to the right shift as the profile date is not available. Please consider storing the profile date in the job card journals with quantities as well.
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