A lot of our customers work with flexible crews. Due to this:

  • The composition of the crews will change on a daily based depending on who when arrives to the office or who is available at that time or other reasons. Requirements will be first scheduled and after that the crews are composed.
  • Next to that crews will work on different regions on a daily base. It could be that crew 1 works on Monday for territory 1, on Tuesday on territory 2, etc. This means when I filter on Territory 1 that only Monday should be available and that Tuesday and Wednesday etc should be greyed out.

Consequence of these flexible crews are:

  1. There should be in the schedule board a better overview of the crew composition with this I mean:
  • It should be visible in one overview in the schedule board who (crew member) is assigned to which crew this on a daily base
  • Next to that it should be possible to see on a daily base on the schedule board if the right number of workers are assigned to the crew or not, if not enough crew members are assigned to the crew the crew should be presented in red or with a specific icon just like salesforce has: https://salesforceenthusiast.com/Content/webinars/service_crews.pdf

2. Next to that for crews that work on a rotating region base (see example given above) it should be possible to have an extra calendar per resource where the crew availability is presented per territory. This way when filtering on the schedule board by defining the territory, the availability should look at the resource calendar and the extra calendar where it is defined when this crew works for which territory. This way it is possible to see when filtering on the territory we can see if the crew works for that territory or not this in one look.
