Currently it is not possible to edit "Price Per Unit" field in the "Opportunity Product Inline Edit View" in Product Line Items of the Opportunity record. Only Quantity and Discount is editable. Some customers do NOT have default "Price Per Unit" set and/or needs to dynamically enter the "Price Per Unit" as they enter the line items.

This limitation of not being able to edit "Price Per Unit" data restricts usability of the inline edit feature.

Only way to edit the "Price Per Unit" field is to double click on the line item which refreshes the entire window to "Opportunity Product" form where you can now edit the data; however, this is very cumbersome (poor UI experience) for users to enter data. The user then has to click on the back button to go back to the opportunity to view, scroll down to opportunity product sub-grid to view and if they have to enter another line item, they have to repeat this process all over again. Repeating this over and over is just not usable scenario.

In addition, whether you are using "Opportunity Product Inline Edit View" or "All Opportunity Products" view, clicking on the "+" icon and follow on user experience is also very cumbersome. You have to click on "+" button to add a line item then you have to select "Existing Product", then click on magnifying glass icon, scroll down to select "Look Up More Records", change "Look in" to "All Price List Items", then search or highlight a product item, click "Select", and finally click "Add" to add the item to the line item.

AND then you have to double click on the line item to get to "Opportunity Product" form to finally be able to edit the "Price Per Unit", as mentioned previously. Unless I am missing something, I think this is just not usable function IF CRM user needs to edit "Price Per Unit" dynamically.

Please enable editing capability on the "Price Per Unit" field ASAP and improve the user experience in adding products to line item. CRM2011 was much much easier to use to add Opportunity Product items. Customers using opportunity product feature and going to CRM2013 or CRM2015 will have significant user adoption impact due to this.
