Payment Captures are an Asynchronous process. Calls to capture against the payment gateway receive a successful response that the capture request was made, but do not know if the issuer may decline capture at a later time as the capture request is processing.

Dynamics 365 checks the authorization status just before the capture request is made. A capture is then assessed in the Dynamics 365 Commerce system as 'successful' even though it may fail at a later moment. Although capture failures are rare, in the case of a later capture failure occurring- the Sales Order payment line is already set to 'Paid' and unable to be edited.

This idea is to add a function in Call Center to edit the Sales Order for a new payment entry/capture request in the case a capture failure is found during reconciliation. The previous payment line will return to a 'capture failed' or 'submitted' state- allowing the capture to be re-called or new payment line entered to collect payment.

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