When the service account is something like a store, it may be useful to track their opening hours in the same way as we have working hours for a resource.
The time window of a work order only works if opening hours are the same each day. However if the store is open Mo-Fr 8am-8pm, but on Saturday from 9am to 3pm, this workaround would not work.
Both schedule assistant and RSO would need to take the site calendar into consideration.
Any news for this potential future feature?
Category: Work order
Hi everyone, Any news about this idea ? Some of our customers need this tooOr someone find an alternative?Thank you,
Category: Work order
Have a scenario where the maintenance windows are fixed per equipment. (e.g. Equipment A has scheduled stops every Wednesday, equipment B between days 10 and 14 every month, and sometimes those windows are known but not based on a fixed rule). This way, setting Date From and To on the Work Order is counter-productive, as resources might not be available on the next window, but maybe on the following one (which could be outside this single date timeframe). Ideally assignments would be done using RSO.
The maintenance windows are dates where the equipment would be turned off anyway. If there are any orders to be executed for this asset, they must be inside one of those windows, but most of the timeframes won´t have any orders happening. No orders may be scheduled outside an available maintenance window.
Category: Work order
This has come up a lot with many customers.
However there are two scenarios;
1: Only visit during openning hours.
2: Do not visit during openning hours.
I guess this could be addressed if we referrred to the calendar as "Available Visiting Hours" and configure the hours with that in mind?
Category: Work order
I have had a number of customers ask for this feature also.
Category: Work order
This is available also in FLS and other systems I have worked with. The site calendar needs to come up when you log a work order and the user should be able to amend opening hours bu day of the week just for the specific work order. This needs to be reflected in potential bookings and the schedule produced by RSO. This is already available in FLS.
Category: Work order
Hi Alexander,
I already had two customers asking for this.
However I was wondering if we can leverage the functionality of Requirement Calendar (Button "Modify Calendar" in Resource Requirement) now to at least partially cover this. Hven't tried it yet but it looks promising.
Anyway a comfortable OOB way to store a calendarID along with an Account record would be best.
Category: Work order
This is a feature available in ClickSoftware's ClickSchedule.
Category: Work order
Shloma Baum (administrator) on 2/21/2018 3:31:21 AM
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for submitting the idea. This is a valid idea, and we will consider it for a future release. If this is seen as a need for others please continue to vote on the feature.
Shloma Baum
PM, Microsoft