Hi all,

In some context it would be useful to have the hability to create a tooltip the same way we create Caption with the help of Caption Class.

In some context, the displayed caption in a page field can defines something totaly different that cannot have a generic tooltip do describe it. It can be the case with Caption Class. If my Caption Class displays "Resource" or "Job", the meaning of the tooltip will be different. And if I can write "Specifies one of the current resource, Job value" (which is not very clear), it will be unreadable if my Caption Class can contain 30 differents captions.

Even if a table field has a specific behaviour that is "Tootltipable" (I mean the Caption must be in accordance with the field behaviour) it's not necessarily the case when the field in a page has as a Source Expression a global variable and then acts accordingly to a specific process when the page opens (for example).

So the hability to define a Tooltip class in this case can be usefull. Or at least have the hability to define variable inside the tooltip could be a good start.

Thanks !
Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team