An article on a location needs to be manually filled up and AX should create the work for the movement from a pick location, which has stock. The user scans the item and the work is created by the system (defined by work template and location directives).

I tried movement by template but I don't get any proposal for a pick-location with stock. So that’s my problem. The user knows where to put the item, but doesn't get any help from the screen where to pick the item from. As far as I know works the Movement by template the other way round (the user knows where to pick but needs a proposal for the put-location).

Idea: mobile device menu item with work creation process "replenishment"

The user selects the menu item and scans an item. AX creates the repelnishment work as defined in work template and location directive. The user is directed to the picking location by the mobile device.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in Material replenishment using KanBan. Here it is possible to replenish any location triggered manually on RF gun where work of replenishment will be generated. 

Please refer to the following link for more information:


 Location replenishment with withdrawal kanbans


Mirza Abdic'

Senior PM, Microsoft



Why You complicated such an easy functionality?! It is connected to an "Replenishment with withdrawal kanbans" (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/unified-operations/supply-chain/warehousing/material-replenishment-withdrawal-kanban#configure-the-withdrawal-kanban) ... it is absolutely different solutions! We MUST configure almost whole Kanban settings, to make a replenishment – WHY? We do not make any production operation and we still must configure almost whole Kanban. We already have directives for replenishment or movement. It was easy to do - make a Mobile devices menu items called:
- Replenish FROM – we know Source (FROM where we want replenish) – scan Location and Item and for paired Directive type PUT and we do the work. We can do for e.g the consolidation. - Replenish TO – we know Destination (TO where we want replenish) – scan Location and Item (or we select from list if location has more than one in fixed location and location is empty - can not scan Item) and system search source location by directive type PIC.

Category: Warehouse Management


Also I suggest a little bit changing in Mobile device on Markus Fogelberg blog site. Yours proposition a special mobile device item it could be on third tab. My post is quoted down side: “Hi it’s good to see such great progress! Now I will sounds like grumbler, but can you put a third tab/overlap – Info (Task, Details) for additional issue like: simple on-hand inventory for SKU, LP’s INFO, Location Info, List of associated replenishment works for SKU from actual Task line with status (waiting, in progress etc.). This third Tab with all this special elements and Info will be “on hand” almost in each moment of work. We could change list of this elements on this new Tab. It will be very helpful for users. Sometimes user must have info about something or he must freeze a task for a moment and make, for example ad hoc: manual displacement or changing a status for goods.” Link to blog and comment: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dynamicsaxscm/2017/01/20/announcing-dynamics-365-for-operations-warehousing/#comment-27695

Category: Warehouse Management