Surprisingly enough the default organisation/environment language is not used when configuring new Knowledge Articles. Instead "English - United States" is selected by default. The product team should strongly consider changing that behaviour so it matches the default language set at the organisation level or provide a configuration setting to allow customers defining their preferred default language for Knowledge Articles. Changing that attribute each time someone is creating a new KB record is annoying and time consuming. Typically KB administrators forget about it so they need to manually translate each KB record to their preferred/required language after the fact which is even less enjoyable.
This is a huge hassle and is preventing a lot of our customers to work with knowledge articles or even worse, they are looking for options outside of d365 to store their knowledge base.
Help is urgently required to ensure that knowledge articles take the users language settings.
Category: Knowledge Management
Our system is on EN-US. However, our end customers are in Germany and Belgium. Therefore, the Knowledge Articles are also in these languages. The users can however only see the EN-US articles and need to change the language every time they want to include an article, which is time consuming and inconvenient..
Category: Knowledge Management
It also impacts the use of English as language, because if a user has set format for English UK, and you set the form control to search by user default language then the article (in English- US ) is not found. We need to be able to set other English languages other than US
Category: Knowledge Management
Hi MS D365 Associate,
this is directly impacting our Australian team in our D365 Org to create localised content with our preferred language pack EN-AU.
Can the team please advise when this will be added to be worked on?
Thank you!
Category: Knowledge Management
Administrator on 5/15/2023 5:37:37 AM
Thank you for your feedback.
It was released in Wave 1 2021, please check documentation: Personalize language settings for knowledge article authoring, and filters for search experience - Dynamics 365 Release Plan | Microsoft Docs
PM, Microsoft.