An email throttling/wave send feature is needed in Microsoft 365 Marketing to allow it to compete against the feature sets of other enterprise email systems like Salesforce and Adobe Campaign.

The feature should be configurable at the email level of individual MS 365 marketing campaigns, allowing emails to be throttled as a count or percentage by time period until all the audience have received the email.

The feature would allow companies to control traffic to a website caused by the interest generated from the email or reduce number of emails sent to a specific domain.

The feature should be configurable within an email's setting at the campaign level. For example a "Percentage throttling" option in the email settings would allow the email practitioner to set the percentage throttling to 5% and period to 15 mins. Then the email would be sent to 5% of the audience every 15 minutes until the entire audience receives the email. And if a count, if the user sets the count throttling to 500 emails with a period of 30 minutes, then Microsoft Marketing 365 will send a maximum of 500 emails every 30 minutes until the entire audience receives the email.

For many organisations using "splits" and "waits" to manage loads adds unnecessary complexity and is time consuming to build and test when only a single email email is needed with open and CTR reporting wanted against a single email.

Category: Email
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator



Thank you for posting this idea. In the meantime, we'll need more votes from the commuinty.


PM, Microsoft.