As of F&O version 10.0.30, the timesheet approval process is clunky when I'm a manager of several employee-resources and need to review-approve, review-approve, review-approve, review-reject, review-approve, etc, etc.
It is clunky because after you click into a timesheet work item to review and use the workflow menu within the document and approve (or reject) you are left having to click (close) additional screens, pick the next work item and open that item. It can be up to 5 extra clicks per timesheet reviewed! If you have 20 timesheets to review, that is 100 extra clicks!
- Go to Common > Common > Work items > Work items assigned to me
- Select an item to review --> note: "click into the hyperlink" to open up that document (e.g. timesheet)
- Use menu: Workflow, Approve
- Click Approve to confirm approval
- EXTRA CLICK 1: Close (X) screen 'Timesheets for my review'
- EXTRA CLICK 2: Close (X) screen 'Timesheet' (that we just approved!)
- EXTRA CLICK 3: Click Refresh (Shift + F5) to refresh screen and clear the document you just approved!
- EXTRA CLICK 4: Have to repeat step #1 above
- EXTRA CLICK 5: Have to repeat step #2 above
- Suggestion 1a: Eliminate CLICKS 1-3 (at a minimum) these are confusing and provide no-value to end users
- Suggestion 1b: Eliminate CLICKS 4-5 (bonus) making process even more efficient