If a purchase order is entered with a linked intercompany sales order, the prices and discounts will be shown correctly. But if you turn to the header of the purchase order and change the location and warehouse to any other value, the system asks to overwrite the address. If you confirm this message with yes to all and turn back to the purchase positions, the discounts will be deleted within the purchase order and intercompany - sales order. This causes a wrong invoicing, which needs to be corrected via invoice cancellation (credit note and new invoice). Please see attached word sheet.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

We are pleased to announce that part of this idea was implemented and released in 10.0.29. New feature resolves the cases of manual prices and dicsounts update. So if the line has the prices and discounts that were set manually, during the save a new dialog will appear. 

Activate the feature: Update prices and discounts entered manually for intercompany. When this feature is enabled, the "Update price and discounts" dialog option will be displayed after making changes to the intercompany orders. This dialog option can be used to either update or keep prices and discounts details on the intercompany orders."



I tested this scenario in a 10.0.30 environment and it didn't work. I also activated the feature "Update prices and discounts entered manually for intercompany" but that didn't help.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


It is certainly problematic to bypass standard price finding. Maybe it would be enough to ask the user if the discounts should be changed after changing warehouse/location.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing