I have found that the text responses in Dataverse are being truncated to 100 characters. I have surveys that have free-form "long answer" and respondents are exceeding 100 characters. In Customer Voice itself the responses are not truncated. They are truncated in Dataverse which is causing issues when outputing from Power BI or Excel. Please consider this a high priority fix; I have users losing confidence in Customer Voice and requesting regression to a previous toolset.
Ideas Administrator

The full text of the question response is stored in msfp_response field (vs msfp_name) field



I have re-checked the Dataverse fields and I cannot find the "msfp_response" field. Please re-open this request unless the field can be found. This is a concerning incompatibility between what can be input to Customer Voice and what is then available from the Dataverse database.

Category: Insights & Follow-up


Which Dataverse table is the "msfp_response" field in? I have searched the tables I am using and it doesn't exist.

Category: Insights & Follow-up