When producing batch orders there is setup where the creation and update of the manufactured batch number and dates are configured. It can be found from the Tracking number group of the finished good and there are two options : Creation/update done 1. When the production order is created (On physical update / No) 2. When doing Report as finished (RAF) (On physical update / Yes) When using option #1 the batch number is created and updated with the delivery date of the batch order and the batch order is created in the beginning and it will not be changed during RAF. Means the manufacturing date is the delivery date and it will not update although the actual manufacturing date (RAF) is different from the delivery date. If it happens that the delivery date is not the actual manufacturing (RAF) date, that creates the situation that the expiration dates for the batches in the stock will be wrong. For example, production planning has firmed Planned production order for production (delivery date) on 10.1.2019, but the RAF is done in real life in advance on 8.1.2019. Expiration time is 1 year, and the system gives expiration date 9.1.2020 (counted from manufacturing date 10.1.2019). So, this date is wrong it should be 7.1.2020, counted from actual RFA date 8.1.2019. In some cases, this is a big problem. If you want to deviate manufacturing date from the delivery date, then the date can be changed manually on the batch, but this means you has to follow up the actual manufacturing dates and delivery dates and gap between them. This is impossible in big scale production and gives also quality risk. It is in some occasions very jobly or difficult to plan the delivery dates according to actual production (RAF) dates and also manual change of dates is creating extra work. In the system and it’s setup there should be possibility to choose option that the manufacturing date is updated always when RAF is done. This option should not be connected to physical updates. Choosing option #2 when batch numbers are given after RAF is not viable solution. That’s because it gives batch number to every produced pcs and it is not the situation we want to happen in system.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.


Johan Hoffmann, Program Manager
