Path: Procurement and sourcing > Purchase requisitions > All purchase requisitions (PurchReqTable)

A new PR is created (PR-000446) on which two PR lines are added with a procurement category specified. No vendor is added on the PR lines such that upon submitting the PR for approval to the workflow, the PurchReqLine.Status will become 'Approved' & the PR lines will show in the 'Released approved purchase requisitions' screen.

On this screen, standard functionality allows us to create a new purchase order using the Purchase order button (PurchaseOrderMenuItemButton) on the action pane. Hereafter, a pop-up is shown in which the vendor account per selected approved PR line should be filled in. After filling in the vendors, we click 'OK' to initiate PO creation.

After PO creation (C012-PO-000433), we verify that the PR is set to a status of 'Closed' (and all Approved PR lines have a PurchReqLine.Status of 'Closed'). 

However, it appears that the PurchReqLine.VendAccount field (and the display field for the vendor name) are not filled in in contrast to expectations.

  • Note that the status (PurchReqLine.Status) and Purchase order (PurchReqLine.PurchId) fields are updated following the execution of releasing the approved PR via the other form. Hence, why is the vendor account on purchreqline not updated?
