With the new feature- being able to use production BOM and Routing on SKU-cards, with variants, it would be optimal, if it could be an option, to add variant on the family-member lines too.
Then the 'circle' would be closed.
Category: Manufacturing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



¡It is necessary to resolve this as soon as possible!

I think this is not a new idea. I think this is a bug (Bad design) in "Variant Code" and Manufacturing implementation.

¡Its resolution takes no more than 15 minutes!

The extension of manufacturing management to products with variants, should:

• add "Variant Code" in table "99000774 Family Line" 

• modify in codeunit "99000787 Create Prod. Order Lines" the CopyFromFamily procedure.

In this procedure should modify call to InitProdOrderLine adding the "Variant Code"

local procedure CopyFromFamily(): Boolean


Family: Record Family;

FamilyLine: Record "Family Line";

ErrorOccured: Boolean;


Family.Get(ProdOrder."Source No.");

FamilyLine.SetCurrentKey("Low-Level Code");

FamilyLine.SetRange("Family No.", ProdOrder."Source No.");

OnCopyFromFamilyOnAfterFamilyLineSetFilters(FamilyLine, ProdOrder);

if FamilyLine.FindSet() then


if FamilyLine."Item No." <> '' then begin


// InitProdOrderLine(FamilyLine."Item No.", '', ProdOrder."Location Code");


InitProdOrderLine(FamilyLine."Item No.", "Variant Code'', ProdOrder."Location Code");


OnCopyFromFamilyOnAfterInitProdOrderLine(ProdOrder, FamilyLine, ProdOrderLine);

ProdOrderLine.Description := FamilyLine.Description;

ProdOrderLine."Description 2" := FamilyLine."Description 2";

Category: Manufacturing


This functionality would be great, when companies sometimes produces a kit of items with different variant-codes.

As an example clothes with different sizes and/or colours.

Category: Manufacturing