The OrgDBOrgSetting option DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForExchangeSync was implemented to help manage an issue with sync'd Appointments being deleted from Exchange.



However, there is an an unintended side-effect of this implementation. When DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForExchangeSync is set to "True" in an attempt to mitigate this issue with Appointments it also applies the same non-delete logic to Contacts sync'd between Exchange and Dynamics 365.

The effect of this is that when a Contact is 'deactivated' in Dynamics 365 it is 'Untracked' in Exchange and never deleted from users address book in Outlook. Over time this causes the users address book to become bloated and potential conflicts/duplication's in Dynamics if an attempt is made to 'Track' these deactivate Contacts.

Also, it appears that if there is conflict between two or more sync'd Contacts (i.e. same email address but different names) the address book does not update properly.

The flow on effect of this is that the incorrect details are presented to users in Skype, Teams, Delve, etc. because these all rely on Outlook/Exchange to deliver details from the users local address book. In the instance where this occurs with a users details in Active Directory then that users details are overridden by the sync'd data.

Microsoft Tech's: This is all outlined in Premier Support Ticket 120012226004211

My Idea: Would it be possible to either modify the behaviour of this option to only affect Appointments (maybe also rename to DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForAppointmentExchangeSync or introduce two additional flags to allow more granular control:

DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForExchangeSync = True
DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForExchangeSyncAppointments = True
DistinctPhysicalAndLogicalDeletesForExchangeSyncContacts = False

In this scenario the logical delete function would only apply to Appointments and not Contacts.
Category: General
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