Currently when you add a sub-grid in a form, you only have two options available on the upper right-hand corner of the sub-grid: "+" which is "Add xxxx Record" and "list icon" which is "See the records associated with this view". From user experience standpoint, if user needs to add a new record, the user has to either click on "+" and then click on magnifying glass that shows up below and then click on "+New" button. This is three clicks to get to add a new record. Not very user friendly.

2nd option is to click on quick create if you have it enabled "+Create"; however, when you add a record this way, the sub-grid does not get refreshed automatically and the user has to manually refresh it to see if it was added correctly. Again, not user friendly.

3rd option is to click on the "list icon" and have the entire screen switch over to records' associated view and then add the new record. Again not user friendly nor is it intuitive.

The best, easy to use, option is to either add "New" button next to these "+" and list view icons OR make the quick create record to be synchronized so that upon adding a new record the sub-grid gets refreshed, if that record appears on the current form.

Under Review