I would like to suggest this MIT article about automatic assembly and disassembly of manufactured parts and suggest you could integrate with Microsoft Guides.

Assemble Them All - Physics-Based Planning for Generalizable Assembly by Disassembly


The most common use case would be to embed this functionality into Microsoft Guides Desktop App to really revolutionize HoloLens step-by-step learning process by shifting from a mostly 2d card based aproach to a easy to use and implement 3D Virtual Learning Assistant. 

The process of Assembly by Disassembly allows the creation of assembly steps of, for example a 60 parts motor, in just five minutes of processing. 

Even the Microsoft Guides tools in hologram library, used to manually integrate arrows and other visual aids for movement instructions, could be created automaticaly and accordingly on the fly due to the movement generation of the assembly/disassembly tool that MIT developed.

You could even, in desktop app, after the assemble/disassembly movement generation, pin the needed movements for the learner and remove all other movements and related parts/objects that aren't needed. This will increase 3d model performance in HoloLens and would be in sync with Optimization best practices of 3D models for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides.

Project site


MIT Source code


All the best

David Mota

Category: General