Implement 'Batch processing' mode for ER model mapping Run.

Current limitations:
The ER framework doesn't offer the capability to initiate a new batch job that will execute a model mapping in unattended mode for data import. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/analytics/er-configure-data-import-sharepoint?toc=/dynamics365/finance/toc.json#limitations

ER model mapping 'To destination' direction is designed and used for no-code data imports/update scenarios where unattended 'Batch processing' is often a key component. Current implementation is limited to a single ad-hoc scenario: end-user navigates to Electronic Reporting workspace, opens 'To destination' mapping, and clicks 'Run' button. Where end user does not add any value to the process neither takes decisions. What is required - a 'Batch processing' mode for 'To destination' ER model mapping run, same as available for all other D365 jobs.

Scenarios, i came across that required ER model mapping Run in batch:
* periodic data transformation and import from sharepoint
* periodic update of 'Product lifecycle state' in 'Released products' master data

Some can be worked out with Power Platform Logic Apps. However, clients are not often enthusiastic about carrying more infrastructure work when needed, having multiple solutions to support/troubleshoot, expressing requirement to keep all ERP-related data processing within D365F&O due to security, stability, and supportability reasons.
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