At the moment, when having two different parties of the Role "Customer Person", which are assigned to the same Customer hierarchy (necessary for the access to the Microsoft eCommerce / Online shop) and one of this Customer Person (= Party) is removed from the Hierarchy (the other one is remaining there) a merging of the Parties leads to the error "Cannot edit a record in Customer hierarchy nodes (CustHierarchyNode)”

This behavior has also been raised as issue but not been accepted as it is by design due to the soft delete mechanism of CustHierarchyNode table.

It should be possible to merge these parties to avoid duplicate records in the system. The soft delete function of the CustomerHieraryNode can remain but it must be possible to merge records with this.




This is very important in order to avoid duplicates and prevent further problems from arising (lack of transparency, effects on reporting, possible negative impact on behavior with OKTA, etc.), as well as to avoid negatively affecting data quality.

Category: Data management and synchronization