In v10.0.27 of Dynamics 365 F&O there is a feature, specific for Italy, to enable Base document tracking when the customer/vendor is a Public administration or belongs to 'Public sector'.

When issueing cumulative invoices (i.e. invoices summarizing multiple Sales Orders) all the fields in Base document section are used to decide if the Summary can be done or not. But in documentation (and also for Italy current legislation) only Tender and CIPE codes should be considered.

At this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/finance/localizations/emea-ita-payment-traceability it is reported that:

"With the feature activated, the Tender procedure identification (CIG) and CIPE (CUP) codes are inherited in relation to the particular customer or vendor transaction."

So only these two fields should be considered as reasons to split invoices when issueing cumulative invoices.

In future version these feature will be turned 'on by default' and it could block cumulative invoicing.

Informations stored in Base document fields are very useful but under the same Tender procedure we can receive multiple orders with different dates/numbers/references

The idea to improve this feature is either to limit the check to the two aforementioned fields only or adding parameters to let the admin user to setup which fields should be considered when arranging packing slips or Sales orders.
