Currently, if a new version of a journey has been created and the original is "Completing" there is no way to stop that journey. Please add a "STOP" feature to a "Completing" journey.

This is a real limitation. We Identified an error is a journey which was completing and clients are stuck in it until it runs its course. Its very frustrating.

2023 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

This is a bug on our end, you should be able to stop a completing journey. We will be addressing this in the upcoming releases. 



I was informed today this is still not available, yikes.Our temporary workaround will be to create "Emergency Exit" segments for each journey from day 1 as exit segments. If we realize anything has gone wrong and need to end the journey, we can populate the segment to pull people out. Just need to ensure each journey has one in the first version before going live.

Category: Customer Journey Design


Experienced the same. The ability to update journeys and make new versions is very nice. However, that we cannot force versions that are in the compliting stage, prevents us from using this functionality, due to risk of customers being stuck in an outdated journey.

Category: Customer Journey Design