When generating a purchase order for a fixed asset, where more than one line linked to the same fixed asset is entered, the system is computing for PIS and COFINS purposes only the first line linked to this fixed asset and ignoring that there are more lines in the same order linked to that asset.

For example:

Purchase order: OCxxxxx

  1. Item number: BRMF710 - Fixed asset number - BRMF999999 - amount = 985.00
  2. Item number: BRMF800 - Fixed asset number - BRMF999999 - amount = 500.00
  3. Item number: BRMF900 - Fixed asset number - BRMF999999 - amount = 128.00

Fiscal Books > All PIS and COFINS fixed assets > created 3 lines, but

Created BRMF999999-1 - Amount - 985.00

Created BRMF999999-2 - Amount - 985.00

Created BRMF999999-3 - Amount - 985.00




This is an important issue to be resolved.

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features