Adding support in the Job Queue Telemetry regarding recurring job queues and start/Last ready date.

As it is today, the Job Queue telemetry ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/administration/telemetry-job-queue-lifecycle-trace ) give us information if a job queue has succeded (Sucess) or failed (Error) as a status.


When working with recurring job queues, we've had a couple of occasions when the job queue has stopped working while containing the status "Ready". The last reported Telemetry message is "Success", so it doesn't look like something is wrong. But we have no idea if this is a recurring job queue for this specific customer or not, so the only way for us to make sure everything is in order is to login to that specific customer.

This idea is about providing more information in telemetry about how the Job Queue is set up. Added information as recurrence (which days, Start/Ending date, no of min between runs), Last Ready Date, Earliest Start Date/Time, Expiration Date.


We'd like to build support which lets us know if a job queue has derailed from the recurrence that is set up so that we don't have to login to every single customer. So, for example, if a job queue is setup to run every 5min, we'd like to add support on our end that "If this job q haven't given us any "Succeded"/"Failed" within 15min (for example) it has has stopped working for any reason" and we can login to that customer/contact the customer making them aware of this. At scale this would help immensely.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team