I found a bug that I couldn't drilldown in my field when I was setting filter on it.

After some hours of bouncing between microsoft support and yammer (https://www.yammer.com/dynamicsnavdev/#/threads/show?threadId=2405396997251072) I got the message that there is a bug that you can't use the same CaptionClass on multiple fields on "one table".

One way would be to fix this but since I don't think this a high priority issue for Microsoft and this problem can be solved by a workaround by creating a new caption class for the new field.

However, if Microsoft should do something about it, it should be the minimal effort (?) to create a new code analyzer rule that warns about using the same caption class on the "same table".

Category: Development



Clarification, this warning should at least trigger when you extend a table and that table already has field defined with the same caption class.

Category: Development