When reviewign an invoice or approving an invoice there is no quick way to view the history and comments of previous workflow history. Whilst multiple clicks can see each particular comment 1 by 1 it woudl be more user friendly if a 'Workflow Fact Box" was availabel on the Right Hand Side that could be enabled to see all the history and comments with a scroll bar

Category: Workflow
Ideas Administrator

We added a Fact Box for workflow history on the Work Items Assigned to Me in Platform Update 26 (10.0.2).
We have also improved this space in other ways recently:
- The workflow history form had a list view added to it that provides a simpler view of history and comments, so that form is now more usable. That was improved in PU20.
- The last comments on a workflow were not being committed correctly, so "approval requested" notifications were not showing the last comment. That was fixed in PU27.
In addition, application teams can change the workflow experience on specific forms to present the approve button in a dialog with the instruction.



The workflow comments are not visible to the approvers or the person taking action without going to the workflow history.

The comments by the user/approver should be visible to take actions.

Category: Workflow


There should be generic design pattern or specific control to show workflow history as timeline so that it can be implemented  or configured on other documents where workflow is used without much effort. It will be nice if such workflow history can also suggest future pending approvals/reviews based on the current state of the document. This help users to anticipate how long it is going to take to get his document approved and reach out to personal in advance to expedite the process for urgent document approvals.

Category: Workflow