The “overview” tab for email insights in Dynamics Marketing currently displays the unique opens and unique clicks separately. Subsequently, users have little information pertaining to how many of the unique clicks that resulted from unique opens.

The click-to-open rate (CTOR) is the percentage of recipients that clicked the content of the email in relation to the total number of recipients who opened the email. In other words, the CTOR measures if the email created enough interest for the recipient to both open the email and interact with the email content. Thus, it measures the performance of email message, design, and content in a single metric.

Today, this information is only available by manually calculating the CTOR rate, and it would be beneficial if this data was automatically displayed as a part of the email insights reporting. For Dynamics marketing users, an inclusion of the CTOR rate in reporting allows for simple benchmarking of email performance levels based on a single system of measurement
Ideas Administrator

You can view CTOR under Email "Insights" tab or through the "Channel analytics" aggregated dahsboard (Analytics tab)