Released Product properties can be defaulted by a selected category from the Retail hierarchy. This has recently been extended with most of the properties needed to create a released product.
This functionality should be made available for customers that are not using the Retail configuration key and therefore cannot use the functionality.
This approach should replace the item templates and be extended with fields such as Coverage Group and Stock Counting Group.

As a prerequisite for this, the Retail product hierarchy should be moved into the standard supply chain functionality and extended to all supply chain functionality. In addition, product attributes added via the Retail product hierarchy should be searchable and be available for use in reports, etc.

This functionality will be useful for ease of maintenance in Wholesale/Distribution/Manufacturing, where customers have large number of products, and where companies have requirement for additional fields on the product master.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.



Johan Hoffmann

PM, Microsoft 






This has been open since 2019 and has become pretty urgent since Microsoft has changed the license model and Retail and Supply Chain are not on the same license anymore. That means non-retailers are cut off from using the Retail hierarchy unless they'll get a license for the whole module.

Category: Product Information Management


Love this.... Additionally, I recently had created another idea on templates where you could define which fields on products are mandatory for users to populate. https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=231159ee-83fd-e811-a140-0003ff68d4f1 Some ISVs include this feature already

Category: Product Information Management


Are we getting any closer to making this a reality?  Imagine my surprise when I discovered the original capability was restricted to retail.  Product category properties, product attributes, and other product embellishments become even more valuable as the functional platform is sealed over time.  Additional standard product information embellishment models (i.e. revisions, attributes, nomenclatures,...) should all be reviewed holistically, across modules (i.e. retail, inventory, PIM) and not tacked on inconsistently by each dev sub-group.  How about "One Dynamics" to go along with "One Microsoft"?  

Category: Product Information Management


Good proposal 👍

Category: Product Information Management


Good idea, Conrad

Category: Product Information Management


A vote from me, and a vote on Nicholas' remark on inheriting. Additionally the product import templates (in data mgt) should support this as well, eg upon product creation from the templates, pick up the default data from the product category.

Category: Product Information Management


This is much more straight forward to manage than Item templates, clients will like this!

Category: Product Information Management


Great suggestion!

Category: Product Information Management


Great initiative!
In addition to the existing functionality, currently you have to configure product defaults at the lowest "leaf" level category, whereas much of that setup will simply be duplication.  I would suggest that we should have the option to "inherit" defaults from a higher level, similar to what we have for attributes, to avoid redundant/duplicate data entry.  This is overriding reason I have not made much use of this function.
I would also suggest that "Category price rules" is another area you could investigate for non-retail customers.  We have made use of that function in the past by leaving the Retail HQ licence key activated.
Finally, there is the "Mass update worksheet" which I have also used in the past for non-retail customers.

Category: Product Information Management


I'm all for it.

Category: Product Information Management

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